With the infinite digits of Pi, we create art that evolves infinitely. Hooah!

Harnessing the power of technology, art, NFTs and web3, Pi is now decentralized.

Join the dePi Army!

The Art of Pi

Art is regenerated every 3.14 seconds from 12 digits of Pi

The gradient is made from two color hexcodes that match the numbers of Pi

When scanned, the art showcases the digits

3.14 Commendations

Every year, we invite artists to submit their unique designs for consideration as our new scannable art. The art with the most votes wins and will be installed for Pi Day. As part of our Pi Day Celebration, the artist will receive the 3.14 ART AWARD and receives the 3.14% of that year’s annual sales .

Your art continues to mature and diversify year over year.

Infinity NFTs


Pi Digits

From the th decimal of Pi

Infinity NFTs regenerate forever

Watch it evolve every 3.14 seconds from 12 new digits of Pi

Your art is always unique, never regenerating with the same digits as your fellow members

All the generated scannable art is downloadable and yours forever

You become a General when you mint an Infinitely regenerating NFT.

Pi Day Celebrations

Every year on 3.14 we will throw an exclusive members only Pi Day party. There will be many celebrations but the VIP events are for ranked Generals with clearance.

Voting Rights

All soldiers receive voting rights. Generals command what deciding options will be voted on.


After the Infinity NFT sale, and all ranked General are earned, we will open up recruiting for anyone to become a soldier. Soldiers choose their favorite set of digits from Pi and MINT them. After minting, they receive one static, scannable art generated from their digits that is theirs forever. Think of it as their dog tag into the dePi Army.

70% of all mint sales from soldiers are distributed to Generals.

Enlist Now

3h 14m 00s

The Infinity NFTs will be available as a limited time-based Open Edition.

The date, price and rules will be announced soon.

Every 3 Hours and 14 seconds, we group those who enlist.

Earlier groups have the advantage of minting sooner and ranking higher.